Are You Resolved?

This is me, right around three years old.

A dear friend of our family, Wayne, used to say that this picture was the moment I “arrived” (at least in print). And, what I love about this picture is how resolved I look. I do not know what I was thinking in this moment, but I’m sure I was certain of whatever it was. There’s just a hint of defiance too, which I think tracks along with the standard development of a three year-old.

What got me thinking about this photo today was that we are in the in-between times of this year. We are saying goodbye to 2021 (not a moment too soon), and readying ourselves to welcome in 2022. This is a time of year for reflecting on what was, and visioning what we want to be (or become?) in 2022.

And, BOY is this a touchy subject! Have you ever noticed that everyone seems to have opinions on New Year’s Resolutions? Some people love and swear by them. Others are CERTAIN it is a load of hooey that no one ever achieves them. And others completely ignore them or give them no thought whatsoever.

I’ve tended to be in the camp that sets them, and sometimes fulfills them (though mostly, not). However, I don’t think it’s a worthless exercise. Especially now, right now, in the throes of yet another virus variant, in the middle of what seems to be the never-ending pandemic, who are we to not question who we are and what we want?

Are we just supposed to keep on keeping on, not changing, and not learning the lessons of whatever it is we were supposed to learn these past two years? What on earth has all of this been for if we’re all just exactly the same as we were before the pandemic hit?

So, I’ve started to think about what I am resolved to do, or be, or become in the year ahead. First and foremost, as I enter my 40th year this year, I am resolved that my 40s are for freedom. Starting my company was a huge step in declaring that freedom- choosing to set the direction of my life and my work in ways that align more closely to who I am and to what I value. I’m also actively working on freedom to love my body, regardless of what numbers are on the scale (I’ve been both up and down during these COVID times, and I'm tired of letting those numbers determine whether I am OK or not in the body that I have).

And, I’m resolved to allow myself the freedom to say no. To people, to parties, to events, to busyness. To anything that doesn’t feel like the absolute right next thing for me. And, growing up as an only child who would accept every invitation given to her, this is tough pattern to break. However, I find that as I choose my commitments more carefully, and listen to my internal knowing, I actually free myself to do more of the things I love (like writing this blog, for example). And, though I’m still relatively new in committing myself to this freedom path, thus far, it is wildly more satisfying than trying to keep up with everyone else’s expectations for me. (Side note: I was heavily inspired in making this shift through reading Untamed by Glennon Doyle. I’ve given this book as a gift to several close girlfriends, and women that I mentor, and I can’t say enough about how liberating and inspiring it is).

So, that is what I’m resolved to do and be and think about this year. I don’t know if I’d call them resolutions per se, but freedom is my clarion call, and I feel excited to start the new year and the new decade of my life with this as a north star…


And, I would love to hear from you- are you resolved for any particular purpose or cause this year? Do you think resolutions are futile? Please drop a comment and let me know what is on your mind and in your heart for the year ahead!


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