‘Tis The Season to Take A Break…

I missed my blog post last week! You know why? Because I was in Florida, visiting my friend Kate, who moved to Boca Raton this spring. I could’ve set up a HootSuite account and pre-written a post so that my marketing calendar didn’t have a hole in it, but I decided that I wanted to take an honest-to-goodness break. As much as I love my new company and my new projects and clients, I’ve been working what feels like non-stop, and I needed to hit the pause button.

As I reflect back on last week, I realize that a few unintended side perks emerged from my vacation. For starters, I got some good creative brainstorming done. My partner and I are working on a project to install some shelving in the living room and closets, and while I was unplugged on the plane, I came up with a huge change to our plans that is going to make everything more functional. I think that unplugging on the plane, and just having time for my thoughts to marinate helped me see the project from a new angle, and made me more open to considering alternate ideas.

Also, I had so much fun! I feel happier than when I left, and the something about sunshine, sea breeze and seeing my good friends felt good in my soul. I’m sure there’s scientific evidence to back all of this up, but what I care about more is how I feel- relaxed, refreshed, and ready to tackle whatever new challenges the new year throws my way.


I’m curious to know- do you agree? Is taking a break over the holidays a good move, or do you prefer to pump out some work while no one is in the office to bother you? Also, did any one actually notice that I skipped a week on this blog? My marketing team (of myself, my mom and Todd) really wants to know- leave me a comment with your thoughts!


Are You Resolved?


Can you project manage your way to a Happier Holiday?