Can you project manage your way to a Happier Holiday?

The other day, I had several conversations with friends of mine who live in Minnesota (where I grew-up). Most years, I travel back to Minnesota for the holidays, so my pre-Christmas days are jam-packed with making plans, figuring out which friends and family I’ll see on which days, and of course, figuring out where exactly I want to shop with the amazing post-Christmas sales.

However, this year, something hit me- I am actually doing a fair amount of project management in planning my holidays. What I mean by this is that I’ve had a bunch of conversations that look like this:

  • Me: I’d love to see you while I’m back in MN for Christmas

  • Friend: Great! Let’s see… Does December 26th work for you?

  • Me: For now, yes, but if I wind up staying longer with my parents, I might want to change to the 27th?

  • Friend: I have to check with my husband first anyway, so how about we tentatively plan on the 26th and talk again in a week or two?

After the second or third conversation I had like this, it struck me: I’ve been doing rolling wave planning (a fundamental process in project management) for years without even realizing it! Rolling wave planning refers to the process of planning what we know for certain in the near-term, and then setting stakes in the ground to re-examine our plans once time passes and we have more information.

In the case of my example conversation above, we’re both unsure about our holiday plans, but we pick a tentative date (the 26th). Then, we agree to talk again in a week or two- that’s our stake in the ground. I know that I’ll call her in a few days and confirm whether we’re on for the 26th, or whether we’re going with our backup option (the 27th).

I think this year especially, I’m keen to keep my options open. Right now, I am planning on traveling over the holidays, but if COVID has taught me anything, it’s that plans change. But that’s what’s so great about rolling wave planning- all I need to do is make the plans that I know with some degree of certainty now, and then re-evalutate the plan the next time I hit one of my stake in the grounds. It’s almost like changing plans is built right into the process.

Rolling wave planning has been my main method for ensuring my holidays are filled with people, places and activities that I love, and I wanted to offer this idea as food for thought as you plan your holidays with your loved ones.


Do you do rolling wave planning in setting up your holiday events and activities? If yes, how are you making it work for your holidays in 2021? If no, do you see any potential upside in planning this way? Drop me a comment or DM- I’d love to hear how you are planning your holidays this year!


‘Tis The Season to Take A Break…


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