Who’s got the ball?

One of the things I see small business owners and teams struggle with the most is figuring out who is responsible for what. Early on, when there’s just one or two of you at a company, it’s not that hard. You know what you’re doing, they know what they’re doing, and you both make some magic together. But then, you add a third, fourth, fifth or sixth person. Or an entire team. Or a couple of teams… And now, all of a sudden, what was once as clear as day now requires conversations and explanations. People don’t just “know” anymore, and that lack of clarity can have significant impact on your bottom-line.

Enter my Roles & Responsibilities Matrix, the fourth tool in my FREE resource library. I developed this tool with a client who was going through her own growing pains at her company and needed a way to figure out who should be doing what. There are many ways that you could approach delineating job responsibilities, and there is a ton of literature written with guidance on how to develop competencies and evaluation procedures... And I find that most of my clients either don’t have time or inclination to look all of that up. So, I created this tool to help outline at a very high-level who is responsible for what. If you haven’t downloaded it yet, you can get your own copy of my roles & responsibilities matrix right here.

Using a tool like this is a great way to start bringing clarity to your teams, and provides an easy way to delegate and delineate work.


Do you have a very clear definition of who is doing what at your company? Have you tried this tool, or a tool like it before? Let me know your thoughts & reactions via the comments or a DM!


Team Goal Tracking: An Easy How-To


It’s time for your 1:1 with your boss… Do you know what to talk about? Try this!